
The NanoVer protocol defines how clients and servers communicate with each other. It leaves ample room for customisation: it does not define the content of a FrameData, the meaning of the shared state keys is not defined either, nor does the protocol specifies what the commands should be. This points are defined by applications. Applications define how to use the different services and how to format the content for specific tasks.

The multiplayer application

Clients that implement the multiplayer application can send and receive avatars so users can share a virtual space. It is the core of multi-user use cases.

Each user that is visible to the others have an avatar, the characteristic of which it shares using the state service. An origin can optionally be associated to a user. That origin is a suggestion from the server to place a users relative to each other. Finally, a user can optionally describe its play space, being the area around the user in which it is deemed safe to move.

Avatars, user origins, and play spaces are linked to a user with a player ID. This ID is an arbitrary string chosen by the user’s client. Commonly, clients use a UUID4 to reduce the risk of collision between IDs produced by different clients. However, any non-empty string is a valid player ID.


An empty string is an invalid player ID only by convention. At this time, no server will prevent the use of one. However, an empty player ID is more likely to enter in collision between clients which could cause a client’s avatar to be overwritten by another client.

A multiplayer application can optionally implement the radial orient method to place the avatars in a circle around a point.

Coordinate systems

The multiplayer application distinguishes between two coordinate spaces:

  • the game space is the coordinate space of the client. It is fully the responsibility of the client and the server is not aware of any of its details.

  • the server space is the space in which all coordinate through the server are expressed. It is a left-handed, Y-up, coordinate space, with lengths expressed in meters. The origin of the height is on the floor. It is modeled after Unity’s coordinate system.

The client is free to represent the server space anywhere in its game space. Optionally, the server can suggest to a client where to place and how to orient the game space relative to the server space with the user-origin key.


A client can expose an avatar to the other clients by periodically updating the corresponding key in the shared state. Since client get updates 30 times per seconds by default, 30 avatar updates per seconds is the recommended update rate.

Avatars are represented in the shared state as a protobuf Struct under a key formatted as avatar.<PLAYER_ID>.

Inside the Struct, an avatar refers to its player ID. It can also specify a name and a color. The most important part of an avatar is the list of its components. Components are elements of the avatar with a position and a rotation.


The avatar specifies its player ID twice: in the top level key and with the playerid sub-key. Both places MUST match. A discrepancy between the two is undefined behaviour. See issue #98 in nanover-protocol.

The name is an arbitrary string meant to be displayed to the other users as a human-readable identifier. The color is also meant to be displayed to the other users. The color is provided as a list of RGBA values between 0 and 1.

The expected components are the head and the two hands. An avatar can contain other components, but they may not be supported by other clients. Each component is a Struct with the following keys:

  • name, the predefined name of the component. The supported names are “headset”, “hand.right”, and “hand.left”.

  • position, a translation vector in server space expressed as a vector of 3 values.

  • rotation, the rotation of the component in server space expressed as a quaternion.


The avatar description currently only support VR controllers. See issue #97 in nanover-protocol for hand-tracking support.

How to represent the avatar is the responsibility of the client. It must assume that any of the information may be missing.

In summary, an avatar is structured as such:

avatar.<PLAYER_ID>: {
  components : [

User origin

Avatars are shared in server space. Each client is responsible to locate its server space wherever it prefers relative to its game space. However, the server can suggest how to center the game space relative to the server space in order to place the users according to each other. This is used by the radial orient server feature.


We assume the user origin is always provided by the server. However, it can come from a client so it is possible to implement a client that will place the users relative to each other folowwing arbitrary pattern. This can be used, for instance, to prototype alternative to the radial orient feature without mofifying the server.

The suggested user origin describes where the server suggests a given user places the center of its game space and how to rotate that space. The origin is described as a protobuf Struct under the key user-origin.<PLAYER_ID> where <PLAYER_ID> is the ID of the user to whom the suggestion is addressed. The Struct has the following keys:

  • position is the suggested location of the center for the user’s game space in the server space;

  • rotation is a quaternion describing the rotation of the user’s game space in the server space.

A client may not follow the server suggestion and should not be assumed to do so. If the key is absent from the shared state, the client may locate itself in the server space as it chooses.


A client has no way of knowing if the user origin emanates from a ligitimate source (i.e. the server or a trusted client). Therefore, a client could use this feature to move users without their conscent. This could cause discomfort if not used responsibly.

As a summary, the user origin is specified as follow in the shared state:

user-origin.<PLAYER_ID>: {

Play space

A client can share the shape of its play space with the others. A play space, or play area, is the area the user can safely reach. This is mostly relevant for VR clients which have to define such a safe space.

The play area is defined as four points, each as a vector of 3 XYZ values, in server space, that form a quadrilateral. The play area is defined as a Struct in the shared state under the key playarea.<PLAYER_ID>. The points are defined under the keys A, B, C, and D.

playarea.<PLAYER_ID>: {

If they are available, a client can choose to represent them as they choose.


We assume that the points defining the play area are on the floor (Y=0). However, nothing forces a client to send them a such.

Radial orient

A server can, optionally, implement the radial orient feature as a command on the command service. The radial orient command places all the avatars on a circle around the origin of the server space by setting a user origin for each avatar.

The command is named multiuser/radially-orient-origins. It takes a radius argument that is the distance, in meters, between the generated centers and the center of the server space. The default radius is 1 meter. The command does not return anything. This leads to the following signature:

multiuser/radially-orient-origins(radius = 1.0) -> None

Let a set of players \(P = \{P_0, P_1, ... P_{N - 1}\}\), \(N\) the number of players, and \(r\) the radius given in argument. Then the center’s position \(\mathbf{C}_i\) for avatar \(i\) is computed using polar coordinates converted to Cartesian. Each avatar is assigned an angle \(\theta_i\):

\[\theta_i = \frac{i \times 2 \pi}{N}\]

Then the positions is:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} \mathbf{C}_i &= \begin{bmatrix} r\cos{\theta_i}\\ 0\\ r\sin{\theta_i}\\ \end{bmatrix} \end{align}\end{split}\]

The rotation \(\mathbf{R}_i\) is expressed as a quaternion and is defined as:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} \mathbf{R}_i &= \begin{bmatrix} 0\\ \sin{\frac{1}{2} \big(-\theta_i - \frac{2\pi}{N}\big)}\\ 0\\ \cos{\frac{1}{2} \big(-\theta_i - \frac{2\pi}{N}\big)}\\ \end{bmatrix} \end{align}\end{split}\]

The trajectory application

In the trajectory application, the server broadcasts molecular structures for the clients to display. The molecular structures can be static structures or snapshots of a trajectory; the protocol refer to these snapshots as frames. The application is agnostic about the frames being generated on-the-fly or being pre-calculated.

This application defines a set of fields to describes the semantic of molecular systems with the FrameData. It also defines a set of optional commands a server can implement to give the clients some control over how the frames are streamed. Finally, it defines some interactions with the multiplayer application to share where to display the molecular system relative to the users, and how to render the molecules.


The trajectory service allows to stream snapshots of arbitrary data to clients. Each snapshot is described in a FrameData which contains a key-value map of protobuf Values and one of homogeneous arrays. Here, we define a set of keys and data format to describe the semantics of molecular systems.


A server using this set of keys can implement keys from another application as well. For instance, a server implementing the iMD application can implement both this set of keys and iMD-specific keys.

All FrameData values used by the trajectory application use the following set of units:

  • lengths are expressed in nanometers (\(\text{nm}\))

  • durations are expressed in picoseconds (\(\text{ps}\))

  • masses are expressed in atomic mass unit (AMU)

  • charges are expressed in proton charge

  • energies are expressed in \(\text{kJ}\cdot\text{mol}^{-1}\)

  • velocities are expressed in \(\text{nm}\cdot{ps}^{-1}\)

  • forces are expressed in \(\text{kJ}\cdot\text{mol}^{-1}\cdot\text{nm}^{-1}\)

The coordinate system is the right-handed, Z-up, system used in most software working with molecular systems.


A molecular system is composed of atoms. The application refers to them as “particles” to account for representations that do not deal with individual atoms, such as coarse-grained models (e.g. Martini or SIRAH). Particles are described by the following keys in the array map:

  • particle.positions: the Cartesian coordinates of each particle. The coordinates are stored as a flat array of coordinates where each triplet corresponds to the XYZ coordinates of a particle.

  • particle.velocities: the velocity of each particle. Like the positions, they are expressed as a flattened array of triplets.

  • particle.forces: the force array applied to each particle, as a flattened array of triplets.

  • particle.elements: the chemical element for each particle expressed as atomic numbers. If a particle is not an atom, or if a chemical element is not relevant for any reason, the atomic number can be set to 0.

  • particle.names: a name for each particle. Each name is an arbitrary string to identify the particle, usually within a residue. If an atom does not have a name, set it to an empty string. When applicable, it is recommended to use the names used in the Protein Data Bank.


Many molecular dynamics integrators are based on the leap frog integration method that calculates the velocities at the half time step. Simulation engines will typically report these half step velocities with the forces and the positions for the time step. Except in specific implementations, the FrameData will report the velocities in the same way as the simulation engine.


The application used to define a particle.types key for non-atomic systems where particle.elements was not appropriate. However, the key not being used lead to a lack of support. The key not having a clear meaning defined, has been removed from the application. However, the protocol allows the use of arbitrary keys so users of the application can reintroduce this key, or any more appropriate ones, for their own use cases.

If the FrameData uses any key staring by particle., it must set the key particle.count in the value map. The value of particle.count is the number of particles in the frame, it must match the length of the arrays.


Particles can be grouped in residues when the molecule is a polymer. A residue is usually a monomer within the polymer sequence. Particles are assigned to residues using the particle.residues key in the array map. Each value in the array is the index of the residue of which the corresponding particle is a part. The indices are indices in the following arrays:

  • residue.names: the name of each residue as arbitrary strings. The names are commonly the name of the monomer templates.

  • residue.ids: an identifier for the residue in the sequence. This ID is an arbitrary string. It is used to relate the residue with other data sources, such as the literature, the Protein Data Bank, or other data bases. This ID is often a numeric index starting at one and increasing monotonically. However, none of these properties should be relied upon. IDs can be strings representing negative numbers, for instance to convey that the residues have been alchemically added before the natural sequence of the polymer. There may be gap in the numerical sequence, for instance to convey that some residues are missing or if the IDs are shared with another sequence. The IDs may not represent numerical values whatsoever. Residue IDs should not be mistaken with the indices used in particle.residues.

If the FrameData contains any array with a key staring with residue., it must set a key residue.count in the value map. The value is the number of residues and must match the length of the residue-related arrays. Indices in the particle.residues array must be strictly lesser than the number of residues. However, these indices may not refer to all of the residues. This means it is possible to have residues with no particle attached to them. This allows to filter particles out without having to modify the list of residues.


Residues can be grouped by chains. There is not format semantic for chains except that they are groups of residues. However, a chain is commonly either (i) a complete set of residues connected by bonds or (ii) a complete set of connected residues and residues not connected by bonds but related to the main set. In both cases, missing residues count in the connectedness of the set. The later case matches the meaning of a chain in the PDB format. To group residues by chains, the FrameData must include the residue.chains key in the array map with each value of the array being the index of the chain of which the residue is a part. The FrameData also must set chain.count in the value map with the number of chains that must match the number of element in the array. Chains may not have residues assigned to them. The array describes the name of each chain as arbitrary strings.


Particles can be connected by covalent bonds. These bonds are described by two keys in the array map of the FrameData:

  • bond.pairs: a flattened array of indices pairs. The indices reference the particles forming the pair in the arrays describing the particles.

  • bond.orders: an array of floating point numbers describing the bond order for each bond. A single bond is represented by a value of 1.0, a double bond a value of 2.0. Delocalised orbitals can be represented by non-integer values. This array must have half the size of the bond.pairs array with each value of bond order corresponding to a successive pair in the bond.pairs array. If this array is not present, the default bond order is 1.0.

Simulation box

Most molecular dynamics simulations are run in a sized box. The FrameData can describe a triclinic box with its three box vectors. They are stored in the array map under the key as a flattened 3x3 matrix where each row is a vector and each column is a dimension of the coordinate system. The box is optional and should not be displayed if not provided.

Simulation time

If the frame corresponds to a given time in a simulation, this time can be specified in picoseconds in the value map under the system.simulation.time key.


The energy of the system for the frame can be stored in \(\text{kJ}\cdot\text{mol}^{-1}\) under the energy.kinetic, energy.potential, and key of the value map for the kinetic, potential, and total energies, respectivelly. The total energy is assumed to be the sum of the kinetic and potential energies.


Like mentionned about particle velocities, some molecular dynamics integrators use velocities computed out of sync of the positions. This may cause the kinetic and the potential energies to be out of sync as well. This is, however, a very common behaviour that can be ignored in most cases.

Playback indicators

The trajectory application defines commands that allow resetting or loading a simulation. These keys in the value map allow to keep track of these reset and load events:

  • system.reset.counter is a counter of how many reset events occurred so far. It starts at 0 and is incremented whenever the simulation is reset, either from the reset command described below or from any other event.

  • system.simulation.counter counts how many loading events occurred after the initial one. The counter starts at 0 and is incremented when a simulation is loaded after the initial one.

Playback commands

A trajectory application can define the following commands in the command service to control the stream of frames:

  • playback/play() -> None: in combination with playback/pause, this command controls if new frames are being generated or not. The command does not take any argument and does not return anything.

  • playback/pause() -> None: pauses the generation of frames. This command does not take any argument and returns nothing.

  • playback/step() -> None: generate the next frame and pause the frame generation. No arguments, no return.

  • playback/reset() -> None: reset the frame generation from the beginning. If the frames are read from a pre-generated trajectory, it will start over from the first frame. If the trajectory is being generated on-the-fly, it will restart from the initial conditions. No arguments, no return.

  • playback/list() -> {simulations: list of strings}: if the server allows switching between molecular systems, this command returns the list of available systems. The order of the systems must match the indices used by playback/load. The list contains arbitrary names that allow to identify these systems. They are aimed at being read by humans. The list is returned under the simulations name. The command does not take any arguments.

  • playback/load(index: int) -> None: if the server allows switching between molecular systems, this command requests the system with the given index to be loaded as the current system. The command takes an integer as the index argument and returns nothing. If the client does not provide an index, provides a misformatted index, or provides an invalid index, the command is ignored silently. The bahaviour in case the index is valid but the system could not be loaded is undefined.

  • playback/next() -> None: if the server allows switching between molecular systems, this command requests the simulation with the next index to be loaded as the current simulation. The server is free to cycle through the available systems or ignore the command when the current system is the last available one. The behaviour when the system fails to load is undefined.


There is no command defined to toggle between playing and pausing the frame generation. This is on purpose as such a toggle command would be prone to race conditions when multiple clients call play/pause commands close to each other in time.


The playback commands do not define any error handling. The commands to switch among molecular systems can be silently ignored and a failure to load a system, which is a probable event, has no defined behaviour.

Simulation box for multi user use cases

If the trajectory application is used in combination with the multiplayer application, it can share where the simulation box should be placed relative to the avatar.

The clients or the server can set the scene key in the shared state. The value under that key is a list of numbers that merges position of the box’s origin, its rotation as a quaternion, and the scaling compared to the default box size in each dimension. These are expressed in the server coordinate system.

By default:

  • the origin of the simulation space is set at the origin of the server space (i.e. the position is [0, 0, 0]);

  • the Y and Z axes of the simulation space match the Y and Z axis of the server space, respectively; the X axis of the simulation space is reversed compared to the one of the server space, so positive X values in simulation space correspond to negative X values in the server space. This corresponds to a [0, 0, 0, 1] quaternion.

  • 1 nanometer in simulation space corresponds to 1 meter in server space (i.e. the scale is [1, 1, 1]). Negative scale values are not permitted.

The default scene value is therefore [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1].

Client should ignore invalid values and fallback to the default value when they are encountered. Invalid values can be of the wrong type, be a list of the wrong length, or include negative scale values.


The server space is Y-up while the simulation space is Z-up. However, the default orientation of the box matches the XY axes of both space so clients are expected to represent the simulation Y-up. In cases where the up orientation of the simulation space is meaningful, the simulation space must be rotated by setting the scene key rather than by altering the default orientation.


The scale can be set to any value but it must be set to 3 identical values for the simulation space to keep its aspect ratio.

The scene key is likely to be modified often and by multiple users. To avoid conflict, users should lock the key before updating it.

The iMD application

For now, the main application of NanoVer is interactive molecular dynamics simulations (iMD). A simulation runs on the server and users can apply forces to particles on-the-fly.

The iMD application defines how to send user interactions to the server, the expected behaviour of the server regarding these interactions, and how the server can communicate the result of these interactions on the simulation to the clients.

The application assumes it is used in conjunction with the trajectory application or a similar enough application to share the simulation itself.

A user sends an interaction as a point of origin, the particles to which it applies and a set of parameters. The server, then collects all the user interactions, computes the corresponding forces and propagates them with the other forces in the simulation.

The interactions can use different equations to compute the force \(\mathbf{F}_{\text{COM}}\) at the center of mass of the group of target particles. The force is then distributed among the particles; the method of force distribution depends on whether the interaction is mass weighted of not. If if it mass weighted, then the force \(\mathbf{F}_i\) applied to the particle \(i\) is \(\mathbf{F}_i = s \cdot m_i \frac{\mathbf{F}_{\text{COM}}}{N}\) with \(s\) a scaling factor set by the user, \(m_i\) the mass of particle \(i\), and \(N\) the number of target particles for the interaction. If the interaction is not mass weighted, then \(\mathbf{F}_i = s \cdot \frac{\mathbf{F}_{\text{COM}}}{N}\). Finally, \(|\mathbf{F}_i|\) can be capped to a maximum value specified by the user to avoid applying too large forces.

Each interaction type also defines the equation for the energy associated with the user interaction \(E_{\text{COM}}\). For mass weighted interaction, the energy for the interaction is \(E = \frac{E_{\text{COM}}}{N}\sum_{i=0}^{N}m_i\). For non mass weighted \(E = E_{\text{COM}}\).

Force equations

Each server is free to implement the interaction equation they choose. However, there are some that are commonly implemented: the Gaussian force, the harmonic force, and the constant force. They all depend on the vector \(\mathbf{d}\) between the origin of the interaction, \(\mathbf{r}_{\text{user}}\), and the center of mass of the set of target particles \(\mathbf{r}_{\text{COM}}\). So, \(\mathbf{d} = \mathbf{r}_{\text{user}} - \mathbf{r}_{\text{COM}}\).

The Gaussian force is defined by:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} \mathbf{F}_{\text{COM}}^{\text{Gaussian}} &= -\frac{\mathbf{d}}{\sigma^2}\exp{-\frac{| \mathbf{d} | ^2}{2\sigma^2}} \\ E_{\text{COM}}^{\text{Gaussian}} &= - \exp{-\frac{| \mathbf{d} |^2}{2\sigma^2}} \end{align}\end{split}\]

with \(\sigma = 1\). With this force, the user interaction is stronger when applied close to the particles.

The harmonic force is defined by:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} \mathbf{F}_{\text{COM}}^{\text{Harmonic}} &= -k \mathbf{d} \\ E_{\text{COM}}^{\text{Harmonic}} &= \frac{1}{2}k| \mathbf{d} |^2 \end{align}\end{split}\]

with \(k = 2\).

The constant force is defined by:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} \mathbf{F}_{\text{COM}}^{\text{Constant}} &= \begin{cases} (0, 0, 0),& \text{if } | \mathbf{d} | = 0 \\ \frac{ \mathbf{d} }{| \mathbf{d} |},& \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \\ E_{\text{COM}}^{\text{Constant}} &= \begin{cases} 0,& \text{if } | \mathbf{d} | = 0 \\ 1,& \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{align}\end{split}\]

The direction of the constant force is undefined when the origin of the interaction and the center of mass of the selection overlap, so the force is not applied.

Velocity reset

Some server implementations can kill any residual momentum in the system due to the user-applied forces after the user interaction has ended by setting the velocities of the affected particles to 0. This is called velocity reset and can be requested by the user as part of the interaction description.

Servers that have the ability to do velocity reset should advertise the feature by setting the imd.velocity_reset_available key to true in the shared state.

Sending user interactions

Users send, on the shared state, the description of the interactions they want to apply. There is no limit to the number of interaction a user can send. Each interaction is described under the key interaction.<INTERACTION_ID> where <INTERACTION_ID> is an arbitrary string, unique to the interaction, used to identify it. It is commonly a UUID4. Under that key, the value is a Struct with the following keys:

  • positions: the coordinates of the interaction’s origin in simulation space. This is typically a position attached to the controller of the user in VR, but it does not have to be. By default, this is [0, 0, 0].

  • particles: the indices of the affected particles in the array of particles used by the trajectory application. If the order in this array does not match the order used by the simulation engine, it is the server’s responsibility to map them. The default value is an empty list.

  • type: the type of interaction to apply, this is what defines which force equation will be used. It should be set to gaussian for the Gaussian force, spring for the harmonic force, and constant for the constant force. Interactions with an type unknown to the server will be ignored silently. By default, the Gaussian force is assumed.

  • scale: the scaling factor \(s\) to apply to the force. The default scale is 1.

  • mass_weighted: a boolean, true if the interaction is mass weighted, false otherwise. The default is true.

  • max_force: the maximum force magnitude that can be applied to a particle by this interaction. The default is 20,000 \(kJ\cdot\text{mol}^{-1}\cdot\text{nm}^{-1}\).

  • reset_velocities: a boolean, true if velocity reset should be applied, false otherwise. This is false by default and will be ignored silently if the server does not have the feature.

If the iMD application is used in conjunction with the multiplayer application, then the interaction can also use the following fields:

  • if the interaction originates from a client that defines an avatar, it can set this field to the player id attached to its avatar. This allows one to match interactions with avatars when analysing session recordings.

  • label: used with, this is the name of the avatar component from which the interaction originates (e.g. hand.right or hand.left).

FrameData keys

Some details about how the user interactions where applied can be added to the FrameData.

The sum of the energies from user interactions can be included, in \(\text{kJ}\cdot\text{mol}^{-1}\), under the key in the value map. Depending on the implementations, this energy may or may not be included in the total energy included by the trajectory application under the key.

The forces applied to each particle by the interactions can be stored under the forces.user.index and forces.user.sparse in the array map. Because the user interactions usually apply only to a small subset of the particles, it is wasteful to provide the forces for all the particles as they would be null for most of them. Instead, the user forces are transmitted in a sparse way by indicating which particles are affected with forces.user.index that will list the indices in relation of the particle arrays (e.g. particle.positions). The forces.user.sparse key contains the forces for the these particles in the same order as the forces.user.index as a flatten array.

Miscellaneous applications

Some clients or servers may use their own keys in the state or trajectory services. These keys are not formally part of any application, but documenting their meaning can only improve interoperability among the implementations.

For diagnostics purpose, the time at which a frame has been generated, or sent to the trajectory service, can be stored under the server.timestamp key in the value map. It is expressed as a fractional number of seconds. This timestamp should only be used to compare with other timestamp in the same stream as there is no requirement about the clock used to generate it.

A client can send an internal index of the updates it sends under the update.index.<USER_ID> key in the shared state; where <USER_ID> can be the player id used in the multiplayer application or any string unique to the client. The index is the index of the update to be sent by the client in its own internal counter. By receiving this value in the update stream, the client can know which of its updates have been acknowledged by the server.