Recording in NanoVer

For a NanoVer session to be useful beyond the time the users spend in VR, it needs to be recorded. This recording can then be analysed or played back to get insight. In this document, we describe how to record a NanoVer session and how to visualise the recording using inbuilt methods.


NanoVer data streams

NanoVer can record the following data streams:

  • the stream of simulation frames

  • the stream of updates of the shared state

Recorded streams are identical to the data streams sent to clients during a live simulation, with the addition of a timestamp that enables synchronisation of the streams during playback.

Each stream is stored in a separate file. By convention, recordings of the frame stream have the .traj file extension, while recordings of the shared state stream have the .state file extension.


In order to pass the trajectory and state files to a NanoVer server via the PlaybackSimulation class in the nanover.omni.playback module, they must adopt the above file extension conventions.

Recording file format

Each NanoVer recording file contains a header and a sequence of records:

  • The header contains two fields, stored as little endian 8 bytes unsigned integers:

    • a magic number, its value is 6661355757386708963. This value was chosen arbitrarily and needs to be the first 8 bytes of the file to indicate it is indeed a NanoVer recording. A file without this magic number is not a NanoVer recording, however one should keep in mind that a file that starts with that value could still not be a valid recording and should handle errors accordingly.

    • the version of the file format. This version number dictates how the rest of the file will be written or parsed. Any change to the file format needs to increment this file format version. The current version is 2.

  • Each record contains:

    • a timestamp encoded as a little endian 16 bytes unsigned integer that indicates the time, in microseconds, since the beginning of the recording. This timestamp indicates the timing of the records and allows synchronisation of a NanoVer trajectory and a state recording.

    • the size, in bytes, of the record; encoded as an 8 bytes little endian unsigned integer.

    • a StateUpdate (NanoVer shared state recordings only), as a protobuf message.

    • a GetFrameResponse (NanoVer trajectory recordings only) as a protobuf message, comprising:

      • The frame index: this is generally an integer that gets incremented each time the server register a frame to broadcast. However, its value is only significant when it is 0 as it means the frame needs to be reset, for instance because the server loaded a new simulation.

      • The frame itself: this is an instance of the FrameData class.

Recording with Python

via the terminal

The nanover-record command-line utility can be used to quickly start and stop multiple spans of recording without writing any code.

The default is to connect to a local server on the default port, but more connectivity and output options can be found with the help option:

nanover-record --help

via a Python script

NanoVer sessions can be also recorded using the nanover.omni.record module. Here is an example of how to define the file names and paths for the recording and pass them to the recording function:

from nanover.omni.record import record_from_server
# Define the .traj and .state file names and paths
traj_path = 'path/to/simulation_recording.traj'
state_path = 'path/to/simulation_recording.state'
# create a recording from a server and save it to the files
record_from_server("localhost:38801", traj_path, state_path)

Visualising recordings

Visualising and playing back recordings can be done using nanover.omni.playback module. The Python Server can stream recorded NanoVer streams read by a PlaybackSimulation object to a client. The client then plays back the recording as if it were a live stream. The server sends the frame and state updates whilst trying to respect the timing dictated by the timestamps stored in the file.

from nanover.omni import OmniRunner
from nanover.omni.playback import PlaybackSimulation
simulation_recording = PlaybackSimulation(name='simulation-recording',
# Create a runner for the simulation
recording_runner = OmniRunner.with_basic_server(simulation_recording,
# Start the runner
# Close the runner


Further instructions and information on how to record and replay using the NanoVer Python module can be found in this notebook recording_and_replaying.ipynb.

Recording with the Rust Server


The Rust Server takes a snapshot of the streams 30 times a second (although this may change with issues #200 and #201).

via the terminal

When using the nanover-cli command via the command line, use the --trajectory argument to specify the file that will store the recording of the frame stream, and the --state argument to specify the file that will store the recording of the shared state updates.

# For Windows Powershell
.\nanover-cli.exe "simulation.xml" --trajectory "path/to/recording.traj" --state "path/to/recording.state"

via the GUI

On the graphical user interface (GUI), the files are specified in the Recording section before starting the server (see via the GUI).

Visualising recordings

Using the the command line, providing only a .traj file will stream the frames only, and providing only a .state file will stream the state updates only. In order to send both streams together, provide the two file paths separated by a colon:

# For Windows Powershell
.\nanover-cli.exe "path/to/recording.traj:path/to/recording.state"

Using the graphical interface, add a recording to the list of simulations using the + Recording button, then choose the files.

Reading NanoVer recordings with MDAnalysis

Recordings can be read and manipulated using the NanoVer Python library.

The nanover.mdanalysis module enables us to read a NanoVer trajectory recording as an MDAnalysis Universe, which is a data structure used by the MDAnalysis library to handle molecular dynamics simulations. As MDAnalysis does not support time-dependant topologies, only frames that correspond to the first topology in the recording are read as part of the Universe. If the topology changes throughout the recording, for instance because another simulation was loaded, the library issues a warning and the frames with the new topology are ignored.

See the example code below, or check out the mdanalysis_nanover_recording Jupyter notebook tutorial for further information.

import MDAnalysis as mda
from nanover.mdanalysis import NanoverParser, NanoverReader
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

u = mda.Universe(

times = []
frames = []
potential_energy = []
kinetic_energy = []
user_energy = []
timestamps = []

for timestep in u.trajectory:

fig, axis = plt.subplots(1)
axis.plot(frames, potential_energy, label='Potential energy')
axis.plot(frames, kinetic_energy, label='Kinetic energy')
axis.plot(frames, user_energy, label='User energy')
axis.set_ylim(-1000, 10000)
axis.set_xlabel("Frame index")
axis.set_ylabel("Energy (kJ/mol)")

We also have a Python script located in the nanover-utils repository for parsing NanoVer shared state recordings.