nanover.command.command_info module

class nanover.command.command_info.CommandInfo(name, **arguments)

Bases: object

A wrapper around an underlying protobuf CommandMessage, providing information about a given command.

  • name – Name of the command.

  • arguments – Dictionary of command arguments.

property arguments: Dict[str, None | str | int | float | bool | Iterable[Any] | Mapping[str, Any] | Iterable[None | str | int | float | bool | Iterable[Any] | Mapping[str, Any]] | Mapping[str, None | str | int | float | bool | Iterable[Any] | Mapping[str, Any]]]

Gets a copy of the default arguments this command accepts, as a dictionary.


Dictionary of default arguments.

classmethod from_proto(raw)
property name: str