nanover.core.grpc_client module

Module providing a base class for gRPC clients.

class nanover.core.grpc_client.GrpcClient(*, channel: Channel, make_channel_owner: bool = False, **kwargs)

Bases: object

A base class for GRPC clients that handles service connection and client closing.

  • channel – An existing grpc.Channel to use to establish a connection.

  • make_channel_owner – Whether to make this client take ownership of ensuring the channel is closed upon disconnection of this client.

channel: Channel

Shutdown all threads and close the underlying channel if the client has been given that responsibility.

classmethod insecure_channel(*, address: str | None = None, port: int | None = None, **kwargs)

Create an insecure connection at the given address and port.

  • address – The URL or IP address of the service to connect to.

  • port – The port on which to connect.


An instantiation of a client connected insecurely at the given address and port.

property is_channel_owner: bool

Indicates whether this client is responsible for managing the underlying channel.


True if this client is responsible for managing the underlying channel, False otherwise.

threads: ThreadPoolExecutor