nanover.recording.reading module
- exception nanover.recording.reading.InvalidMagicNumber
The magic number read from a file is not the expected one.
The file may not be in the correct format, or it may be corrupted.
- class nanover.recording.reading.Parseable(*args, **kwargs)
- ParseFromString(_: bytes) bytes
- exception nanover.recording.reading.UnsupportedFormatVersion(format_version: int, supported_format_versions: tuple[int])
The version of the file format is not supported by the parser.
- nanover.recording.reading.advance_to_first_coordinate_frame(frames: Iterable[Tuple[int, int, FrameData]])
- nanover.recording.reading.advance_to_first_particle_frame(frames: Iterable[Tuple[int, int, FrameData]])
- nanover.recording.reading.iter_full_view(*, traj: PathLike[str] | None = None, state: PathLike[str] | None = None)
Iterate one or both of trajectory and state recording files, yield a timestamp and copies of both the current aggregate FrameData and the current aggregate state dictionary.
- nanover.recording.reading.iter_recording_buffers(io: BinaryIO)
Iterate over elements of a recording, yielding pairs of a timestamp in microseconds and a buffer of bytes.
- Parameters:
io – Stream of bytes to read.
- nanover.recording.reading.iter_recording_entries(io: BinaryIO, message_type: Callable[[], TMessage])
- nanover.recording.reading.iter_recording_files(*, traj: PathLike[str] | None = None, state: PathLike[str] | None = None)
Iterate one or both of trajectory and state recording files, yield a timestamp and one or both of frame and update that occurred at that instant. Frame index is included in frame data under the key “index”.
- nanover.recording.reading.iter_state_file(path)
Iterate over all state updates in a recording file.
- Parameters:
path – Path of recording file to read from.
- nanover.recording.reading.iter_state_recording(io: BinaryIO)
- nanover.recording.reading.iter_trajectory_file(path)
Iterate over all frame updates in a recording file.
- Parameters:
path – Path of recording file to read from.
- nanover.recording.reading.iter_trajectory_recording(io: BinaryIO)
- nanover.recording.reading.iter_trajectory_with_elapsed_integrated(frames: Iterable[Tuple[int, int, FrameData]])
- BinaryIO, count: int)
- nanover.recording.reading.read_u128(io: BinaryIO)
- nanover.recording.reading.read_u64(io: BinaryIO)
- nanover.recording.reading.split_by_simulation_counter(*, traj: PathLike[str], state: PathLike[str] | None = None)
Split a trajectory recording (and optionally a corresponding state recording) into sequences that share the same simulation counter value.