nanover.recording.reading module

exception nanover.recording.reading.InvalidMagicNumber

Bases: Exception

The magic number read from a file is not the expected one.

The file may not be in the correct format, or it may be corrupted.

class nanover.recording.reading.Parseable(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Protocol

ParseFromString(_: bytes) bytes
exception nanover.recording.reading.UnsupportedFormatVersion(format_version: int, supported_format_versions: tuple[int])

Bases: Exception

The version of the file format is not supported by the parser.

nanover.recording.reading.advance_to_first_coordinate_frame(frames: Iterable[Tuple[int, int, FrameData]])
nanover.recording.reading.advance_to_first_particle_frame(frames: Iterable[Tuple[int, int, FrameData]])
nanover.recording.reading.iter_full_view(*, traj: PathLike[str] | None = None, state: PathLike[str] | None = None)

Iterate one or both of trajectory and state recording files, yield a timestamp and copies of both the current aggregate FrameData and the current aggregate state dictionary.

nanover.recording.reading.iter_recording_buffers(io: BinaryIO)

Iterate over elements of a recording, yielding pairs of a timestamp in microseconds and a buffer of bytes.


io – Stream of bytes to read.

nanover.recording.reading.iter_recording_entries(io: BinaryIO, message_type: Callable[[], TMessage])
nanover.recording.reading.iter_recording_files(*, traj: PathLike[str] | None = None, state: PathLike[str] | None = None)

Iterate one or both of trajectory and state recording files, yield a timestamp and one or both of frame and update that occurred at that instant. Frame index is included in frame data under the key “index”.


Iterate over all state updates in a recording file.


path – Path of recording file to read from.

nanover.recording.reading.iter_state_recording(io: BinaryIO)

Iterate over all frame updates in a recording file.


path – Path of recording file to read from.

nanover.recording.reading.iter_trajectory_recording(io: BinaryIO)
nanover.recording.reading.iter_trajectory_with_elapsed_integrated(frames: Iterable[Tuple[int, int, FrameData]]) BinaryIO, count: int)
nanover.recording.reading.read_u128(io: BinaryIO)
nanover.recording.reading.read_u64(io: BinaryIO)
nanover.recording.reading.split_by_simulation_counter(*, traj: PathLike[str], state: PathLike[str] | None = None)

Split a trajectory recording (and optionally a corresponding state recording) into sequences that share the same simulation counter value.