

Bases: object

property address

Gets the URL or IP address the server is running at.

abstract property app_server

Get the underlying app of the runner.

abstract close()

Closes the connection and stops the dynamics.

abstract property is_running

Whether or not the molecular dynamics is currently running on a background thread or not.


True, if molecular dynamics is running, False otherwise.

property name

Get the name of the server.

abstract pause()

Pause the simulation, by cancelling any current run.

This method is called whenever a client runs the pause command, described in :mod:nanover.trajectory.frame_server.

abstract play()

Run the simulation indefinitely

Cancels any current run and then begins running the simulation on a background thread.

This method is called whenever a client runs the play command, described in :mod:nanover.trajectory.frame_server.

property port

Gets the port the server is running on.

abstract reset()
abstract run(steps: int | None = None, block: bool | None = None) None

Runs the molecular dynamics.

  • steps – If passed, will run the given number of steps, otherwise will run forever on a background thread and immediately return.

  • block – If False, run in a separate thread. By default, “block” is None, which means it is automatically set to True if a number of steps is provided and to False otherwise.

abstract step()

Take a single step of the simulation and stop.

This method is called whenever a client runs the step command, described in :mod:nanover.trajectory.frame_server.