
class str, name: str = 'Unnamed Selection')

Bases: object

A local representation of a selection in a NanoverIMD simulation.

Not intended to be created directly, but rather via the NanoverImdClient, which handles synchronising the state of the selections with the server.

Changes to this selection are only applied when a call to flush_changes() is made, or modifications are made within a modify(): context manager.

add_particles(particle_ids: Iterable[int])

Add more particles to this selection, appending the previous selection.




Clear all particles in this selection.


Flushes all changes by notifying any listeners that this selection has changed.

classmethod from_dictionary(dict: Dict) RenderingSelection

Decode a dictionary into a selection.


dict – A dictionary, such as json or a protobuf value.


A selection decoded from the given dictionary

property hide: bool

Should this renderer be hidden

property interaction_method: str

The interaction method for NanoVer iMD


Gives a context in which the selection can have multiple modifications made to it, and which calls flush_changes() when the context is left

read_from_dictionary(dict: Dict)
read_hide_from_dictionary(dict: Dict)
read_interaction_method_from_dictionary(dict: Dict)
read_renderer_from_dictionary(dict: Dict)
read_selected_particles_from_dictionary(dict: Dict)
read_velocity_reset_from_dictionary(dict: Dict)

Remove this selection from the server.

property removed: Event

Event which is invoked when this selection is removed

property renderer: str | Dict

The renderer to be used for this selection. Either a string name of a predefined visualiser, or a dictionary describing one.

property selected_particle_ids: Set[int]

Set of particles indices that are in this selection

property selection_id: str

The unique selection ID

property selection_name: str

User readable name of the selection

set_particles(particle_ids: Iterable[int] | None = None)

Set the particles in this selection, replacing the previous selection.



to_dictionary() Dict

Encode this selection into a nested dictionary.


A dictionary representation of this selection.

property updated: Event

Event which is invoked when modifications to this selections are applied

property velocity_reset: bool

Should the velocities be reset for this interaction Dict, default: T, *keys: Iterable[str]) T

Iterate down a nested dictionary by accessing subsequent keys, returning the default if at any point a key is not found.

  • dict – The dictionary to iterate.

  • default – The default value if a key is not found.

  • keys – The keys to look up recursively in the dictionary.


The value found in the dictionary, or the default