ASE: Interactive Molecular Dynamics

Running an ASE OpenMM server from the command line

When nanover-ase is installed, it provides the nanover-omm-ase command in the command line. When provided with the description of an OpenMM simulation as an XML file serialised as described in the NanoVer OpenMM documentation , nanover-omm-ase runs an interactive simulation. The host address and port can be set with the --address and the --port option, respectively.

Running a server from python

The nanover-ase module provides the nanover.ase.ASEImdServer class. Given an ASE simulation set up with an ASE molecular dynamics runner, this class will attach interactive molecular dynamics functionality and frame serving to the dynamics. An example is given below, assuming an ASE Atoms object has been set up, named atoms:

from ase import units
from import Langevin
from nanover.ase.imd_server import ASEImdServer

# Given some ASE atoms object appropriately set up, set up dynamics.
dyn = Langevin(atoms, 1 * units.fs, 300, 0.1)

# Attach the IMD calculator and server to the dynamics object.
imd = ASEImdServer(dyn)
while True:

Full examples are given in the examples folder, which additionally contains several Jupyter notebooks that explore how NanoVer can be used with OpenMM:

  • basic_example: A notebook showing how one can run the server for an OpenMM simulation, connect a client to it, and render a simple visualisation.

  • openmm_nanotube: A notebook that runs a simulation of a carbon nanotube, then applies interactive forces to it from the notebook.

  • openmm_graphene: A notebook that runs a simulation of a graphene sheet, and demonstrates how parameters of the simulation can be controlled in real time through the Jupyter notebook interface.

  • openmm_neuraminidase: A notebook that demonstrates how to construct an input file for an OpenMM simulation of neuraminidase to run with NanoVer from scratch.

conda install nglview -c conda-forge
# might need: jupyter-nbextension enable nglview --py --sys-prefix

# if you already installed nglview, you can `upgrade`
conda upgrade nglview --force
# might need: jupyter-nbextension enable nglview --py --sys-prefix