nanover.core.nanover_client module

A module for setting up typical NanoVer clients, containing a client that sets up a command service.

class nanover.core.nanover_client.NanoverClient(*, channel: Channel, make_channel_owner: bool = False)

Bases: GrpcClient

A base gRPC client for NanoVer services. Automatically sets up a stub for the CommandServicer, enabling the running of arbitrary commands.

attempt_update_locks(lock_updates: Mapping[str, float | None]) bool

Attempt to acquire and/or free a number of locks on the shared state.


lock_updates – A dictionary of keys to either a duration in seconds to attempt to acquire or renew a lock, or None to indicate the lock should be released if held.


True if the desired locks were acquired, and False otherwise.

attempt_update_state(change: DictionaryChange) bool

Attempt to make a single atomic change to the shared state, blocking until a response is received.


change – A single change to make to the shared state that will either be made in full, or ignored if some of the keys are locked by another user.


True if the server accepted our change, and False otherwise.

property available_commands: Dict[str, CommandInfo]

Returns a copy of the dictionary of commands available on the server, as determined by previously calling update_available_commands().


A dictionary of command information, keyed by the command names.


Shutdown all threads and close the underlying channel if the client has been given that responsibility.

copy_state() Dict[str, None | str | int | float | bool | Iterable[Any] | Mapping[str, Any] | Iterable[None | str | int | float | bool | Iterable[Any] | Mapping[str, Any]] | Mapping[str, None | str | int | float | bool | Iterable[Any] | Mapping[str, Any]]]

Return a deep copy of the current state.

lock_state() ContextManager[Dict[str, None | str | int | float | bool | Iterable[Any] | Mapping[str, Any] | Iterable[None | str | int | float | bool | Iterable[Any] | Mapping[str, Any]] | Mapping[str, None | str | int | float | bool | Iterable[Any] | Mapping[str, Any]]], bool | None]

Context manager that locks and returns the state. Any attempted state updates are delayed until the context is exited.

run_command(name: str, **arguments) Dict[str, None | str | int | float | bool | Iterable[Any] | Mapping[str, Any] | Iterable[None | str | int | float | bool | Iterable[Any] | Mapping[str, Any]] | Mapping[str, None | str | int | float | bool | Iterable[Any] | Mapping[str, Any]]]

Runs a command on the command server.

  • name – Name of command to run.

  • arguments – Arguments to provide to command.


Dictionary of results, which may be empty.


Subscribe, in the background, to any updates made to the shared state.


interval – Minimum time (in seconds) between receiving new updates for any and all values.

update_available_commands() Dict[str, CommandInfo]

Gets all the commands on the command server, and updates this client’s known commands. Blocks until the dictionary of available commands is received.


A dictionary of all the commands on the command server, keyed by name

class nanover.core.nanover_client.NanoverStubClient(*, channel: Channel, stub, make_channel_owner: bool = False)

Bases: NanoverClient

A base gRPC client for NanoVer services. Automatically sets up a stub for the CommandServicer, and attaches the provided stub to the underlying gRPC channel.


stub – gRPC stub to attach.